A Village


“It takes a village…”

What exactly does that mean? Should I be expecting friends and family willing to help with our children on a constant rotation?

I would looove to know when to be ready for that, it must be any day now because I'm four years in and I am yet to see a single rotation. But please, if you are planning on coming let me know so I can blow up the air mattress and make up the spare room because this shit is all hands on deck.

Who am I kidding? Ain’t no one coming to help with these kiddos. 

But why TF  would someone say that “it takes a village” if no one is coming? That is the single, worst thing, anyone could say to a first time parent. You know that shit ain’t happening!

I would rather hear “ Good luck lady, parenthood sucks the big one and you're pretty much on your own after the first six months”. I mean, at least I would know the truth and not have to worry about feeding more people.

For real, though, how many times have you heard this phrase? Did it give you a false sense of hope that there is a community out there coming to help you? 

I hate to admit that these words of empty meaning may have given me a small amount of  strength and patience through sleepless nights and threenager tantrums. I found these words were NOT the truth, and for that the strength and patience was short lived. 

But here is some truth for you. I hope it will give you the gumption to move on and keep riding your struggle bus with a smile on your face.


As a matter of fact, no one needs to come because YOU are the village! You are the only BADASS that is in tune and tolerant enough to care for your children. You are THEIR parent.

Shit is going to get heavy and tough but with that there are unbelievable and amazing moments. 

Live in the knowledge that you are raising an adult who you want to become your village and will one day be the only person to tolerate you in your time of need.




1,2,3… What The Hell Is Wrong With Me?